Register for free access to myON November

It’s the month of myON – free access to myON all November!

Register for FREE access to myON here:

    6000+ digital books, readable at school and at home

    [wp-svg-icons icon=”users-2″ wrap=”span”] Books for ages 5-18


    [wp-svg-icons icon=”books” wrap=”span”] 30% fiction, 70% non-fiction


    [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”span”] Includes graphic novels, classic literature and picture books


    [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”span”] Unlimited access – class sets, all devices, school or home

    WIN myON for a whole year! Worth up to $5000

    Whichever school reads the most books during the month of myON (November) will WIN a FREE 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION to myON!

    So sign up and get reading!

    Only available to schools in Australia and New Zealand. All registrants will be eligible for special myON offers in December. Stay tuned.