Here’s why our reading program works – kids love it!
Choosing to read
As increasing numbers of children become technology-literate before they are literate, how can you get a child to choose a book over a computer screen?
Studies have shown that students who use Accelerated Reader enjoy reading more* because they aren’t frustrated by books too simple or too complex for them, and they get instant feedback on their progress.
*Accelerated Reader and Young People’s Reading, National Literacy Trust, 2014.
Finding what to read
Children make the most progress when they read books that interest them. That’s why every book with an Accelerated Reader quiz is tagged with topics and listed on our public search engine AR BookFinder.
The advanced book discovery feature within Accelerated Reader introduces children to books they might be interested in – and even identifies the ones available in the school library.
With quizzes available for over 30,000 books, from leading publishers and imprints, every taste and ability is provided for.
Understanding books
How much of what children read do they actually understand? Accelerated Reader helps teachers and support staff to monitor the quality of children’s reading; how well they have understood a book – as well as the quantity; how many books and words they have read.
Enjoying books
Schools come alive when they have a strong reading culture. Accelerated Reader supports a range of motivators and initiatives to encourage children to read for pleasure.
Every quiz passed is a small success and there are endless opportunities for praise in assemblies, prizes, and positive feedback for parents.
“The excitement on the students faces when seeing their individual results was priceless. These results have clearly motivated them to want to continue to improve.”
Reading practice that works.
Educators are the key to student success, but they can’t do everything alone. Innovative products like Accelerated Reader, backed by 30 years of Renaissance history, give teachers the tools they need to focus on what matters and inspire a classroom of readers. Don’t take our word for it, we are proud to share some of the praise we have received.