Our Professional Learning sessions have accompanying resources to support you with your implementation and guide your future success. Simply select your solution, identify which session you’re up to and find your matching resources.
Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Accelerated Reader and myON
Implementation and Solution Guides
Introduction & Setup
Welcome to your CLAS resources page, which is an introduction/pilot program to the Assessment and Practise solutions offered by Renaissance. This page has links to video and quick reference guides (QRGs) regarding each platform. The contents of this page will be referenced in your Zoom PD sessions, including the order and the pathway you will follow as you journey through the pilot program. You can explore these resources in your own time as your progress through the assessment solutions, to the practise solutions and know where/how to find text resources.
Planning Call Session Overview
Renaissance Accelerated Reader Parents Guide
Renaissance Place – System Administration
System Administration Video PASSWORD: rencoaching
Solution Resources
This section will provide support for your Renaissance solutions. To make sure your teachers and students get the best start our Renaissance Coaches will work with your staff to ensure you understand all aspects of the program and implement it successfully.
Star Reading
Star Reading is a computer adaptive assessment tool used to take a deeper dive into students comprehension skills and to discover the student Reading Range (ZPD). The ZPD is used to guide students to select the right book for their ability. This assessment is conducted at the beginning of the pilot program and again at the end to measure growth. This is accessible via your school’s Renaissance Place UL and then selecting the Star Reading icon/tile.
Star Reading Implementation Resources PASSWORD: rencoaching
Star Math
A customised math test for students to take on a computer. The test is designed for students in grades 1 through 12 (also for students in kindergarten who have basic reading and math skills). It is used to determine the math level of each student and to measure growth. This is accessible via your school’s Renaissance Place UL and then selecting the Star Math icon/tile.
1. Tips for Getting Started with Star Math
2. General Star Math Resources
4. Setting Progress Monitoring Goals
5. Star Math Score Definitions
6. Star Assessments Student Growth Percentiles
Star Early Literacy
Star Early Literacy is a customised reading test for beginner students who do not yet read independently or need early literacy skills assessed to take on a computer. The test is designed for students in grades pre-K through to Year 2-3. It has audio and visual components to the assessment (unlike Star Reading). This is accessible via your school’s Renaissance Place UL and then selecting the Star Early Literacy icon/tile.
Star Early Literacy Resources
Introduction to Star Early Literacy Video PASSWORD: rencoaching
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a practise solution used to asses comprehension skills after reading a book through quiz questions. Provides instant feedback to the student and reports for teacher monitoring. This is accessible via your school’s Renaissance Place UL and then selecting the Accelerated Reader icon/tile.
Implementation Session 3 and 4 PASSWORD: rencoaching
Introduction to Accelerated Reader Quizzing PASSWORD: rencoaching
More than just an online library with 70% non fiction content, myON offers comprehension tools, audio options, projects and assessment tasks. There are reports to track and monitor students reading and literacy progress. This is available via https://www.myon.com/login then entering your school, user and password details.
Launching myON from a Teacher Perspective
myON from a Student Perspective
How to Create myON Book Bundles
Creating a myON Project Video PASSWORD: rencoaching
Finding and Assigning myON Projects
Accessing and completing work in myON projects
Freckle adaptive math practice allows students to practice their math skills across different topics. Freckle provides students with remediation problems when they are struggling, and pushes them onto more advanced concepts when they are doing well – it adapts.
All your resource and training needs are available using your login at freckle.com.
Sourcing Reading Content
One of the key components of assessing students, is know where they are placed regarding literacy and numeracy skills. For example, once a student completes a Star Reading Assessment, they are given a Reading Range (ZPD), which guides them to what book levels to read.
To know what books are in the students Reading Range, use Book Finder to search for the book titles or Reading Range to find books that match student’s interests and abilities.
Accelerated Reader Book Finder – https://www.arbookfind.com.au/
Accelerated Reader BookFinder is a free web-based search tool that helps parents/guardians and students search for appropriate Accelerated Reader books. Accelerated Reader BookFinder contains all of the book and quiz titles that are available for Accelerated Reader.
Students will also be able to search for books in myON. Students (and teachers) have several filters that can be used to help find the right book – which includes Lexile and ATOS levels, or via categories such as History or Science.

Congratulations! Your Renaissance solutions are now ready to support your literacy growth!
Now that you have completed implementation and reviewed the solution resources you’re ready to engage your students with reading and build literacy success! Remember the Renaissance team is always available to help build your success. If you have any further questions or training needs please contact us.
Additionally we have a resources page loaded with helpful documents to answer a range of questions, which you can view here (Make sure to add it to your bookmarks!).